Shareholders Representative Services
Perryllion’s team has extensive experience as Shareholder’s Representative (SR) in local and international M&A deals, with aggregated amounts of hundreds of millions of dollars – working with multinationals corporations, VCs, lead investors, entrepreneurs ,law firms, trustees, authorities, managements & boards, and all other parties involved in the M&A transaction.
We can take an active and central part in the negotiation of the deal’s details and provide support for the company executives and lawyers leading the deal, or enter at a later stage towards the approval and signature of the M&A transaction.
As the Shareholder’s Representative, we provide full protection, visibility and control of all their financial interests during the post-closing period, future considerations, and more.
Our main role is to maintain and maximize the common interest of the shareholders as a group:
- Ongoing post-closing administration, calculations and actions that will be required to protect the shareholders’ best interest as a group.
- Special and routine updates for claims and other news to shareholders.
- Communication with all equityholders entitled to information about the transaction, which may be needed for their personal or business needs.
- Escrow management – monitoring and reporting on a timely basis, qualitative and financial information, as will be defined in the transaction agreements.
- Escrow amount monitoring and co-signing on release orders as the shareholders’ representative.
- Timely earnout calculation and milestones achievement – control, deep investigation and discussion with the acquirer along the earnout period.
- Dispute resolution of legal claims, working capital issues and other matters that may arise from the acquirer and third parties.
- Representation of the shareholders’ best interest against any third-party claim.
- Expense Fund management, to the extent applicable – including the exclusive right to pay for services that will be required to perform the Services.